Chapter 7, Article VI – Ordinance 99-04
In effect annually from April 15 – November 15
Wildlife Protection
Sec. 7-151. Definitions.
(1) Wildlife means any medium to large size non-domestic mammal indigenous to the Town of Snowmass Village including but not limited to, black bear, mule deer, elk, raccoon, coyote, beaver, skunk, badger, bobcat, mountain lion, porcupine and fox.
(2) Wildlife Resistant Refuse Container means a fully enclosed metal container with a metal lid. The lid must have a latching mechanism, which prevents access to the contents by wildlife. Wildlife Resistant Refuse Containers must be approved by the Chief of Police and the Director of Public Works.
(3) Wildlife Resistant Dumpster Enclosure means a fully enclosed structure consisting of four sides and a roof, with one side accommodating a door. The sides of the structure must extend to the ground and the door can not have more than a two inch gap along the bottom. The door must have a latching device of sufficient design and strength to prevent access by wildlife. Ventilation openings shall be kept to a minimum and must be covered with a heavy gauge steel mesh or other material of sufficient strength to prevent access. Wildlife Resistant Dumpster Enclosures must be approved by the Chief of Police and the Director of Public Works.
(4) Special Event means a large, outdoor gathering such as a concert, conference, festival or rodeo.
Sec. 7-152. Wildlife Resistant Refuse Containers or Enclosures Required.
Between the dates of April 15 and November 15, all refuse containers regardless of size, that receive refuse edible by bears or other wildlife shall be either an approved Wildlife Resistant Refuse Container, or a refuse container which is stored within a building, house, garage, or approved Wildlife Resistant Dumpster Enclosure.
Sec. 7-153. Maintenance and Operation of Wildlife Resistant Refuse Containers and Dumpster Enclosures.
a. Wildlife Resistant Refuse Containers and Dumpster Enclosures must be kept closed and secure when refuse is not being deposited.
b. If a container or enclosure is damaged, allowing access by bears or other wildlife, repairs must be made within 24 hours after written notification by the Police Department.
Sec. 7-154. Residential Refuse Disposal.
a. All containers that receive refuse edible by bears or other wildlife must be secured inside the home or garage. Residents unable to keep their refuse container inside the home or garage shall store their refuse in a Wildlife Resistant Refuse Container or Enclosure approved by the Police Department.
b. Residents with curbside pickup shall place their refuse containers at the curb only on the day of pickup. After pickup, the containers must be re-secured inside the home, garage or Wildlife Resistant Dumpster Enclosure by 6 p.m.
Sec. 7-155. Special Event Refuse Disposal.
Outdoor Special Event sites shall be kept free from the accumulation of refuse edible by wildlife. Refuse must be collected from the grounds at the close of each day’s activities and shall be deposited in Wildlife Resistant Containers or Enclosures, or be removed to an appropriate disposal site.
Chapter 7, Article VI – Ordinance 99-04
In effect annually from April 15 – November 15
Wildlife Protection
Sec. 7-156. Construction Site Refuse Disposal.
All construction sites must have a designated container that receives refuse edible by bears and other wildlife. This container shall be either a Wildlife Resistant Refuse Container, or a container that is emptied at the end of each workday and then securely stored inside a trailer or building.
Sec. 7-157. Feeding of Wildlife.
a. No person shall knowingly leave or store any refuse, food product, pet food, grain or salt in a manner which would constitute a lure, attraction or enticement of wildlife.
b. Birdfeeders are allowed. However, between the dates of April 15th and November 15th, all feeders must be suspended on a cable or other device so that they are inaccessible to bears and the area below the feeders must be kept free from the accumulation of seed debris.
Sec. 7-158. Interference with Animal Control Officer.
No person shall interfere with, molest, hinder or impede the Animal Control Officer in the discharge of his or her duties as herein prescribed, or to violate any of the provisions of this Article. (Ord. 3-1992 §2)
Sec. 7-159. Enforcement.
a. Police or Animal Control Officers shall have the power to issue summonses and complaints for violations of this Article, as well as to issue warning notices to persons in violation of the provisions of this Article.
b. Police or Animal Control Officers shall have the right to enter any premises in the Town at reasonable hours to enforce the provisions of this Article.
Sec. 7-161. Penalty assessment.
The following penalty assessments are declared to be mandatory and minimum:
Wildlife Resistant Refuse Container (Sec. 7-152):
First offense within 1 year: $100.00
Second offense within 1 year: $250.00
Third offense within 1 year: Summons
Maint of Wildlife Refuse Containers/Enclosures (Sec. 7-153):
First offense within 1 year: $50.00
Second offense within 1 year: $500.00
Third offense within 1 year: Summons
Residential Refuse Disposal (Sec. 7-154):
First offense within 1 year: $100.00
Second offense within 1 year: $250.00
Third offense within 1 year: Summons
Special Event Refuse Disposal (Sec. 7-155):
First offense within 1 year: $250.00
Second offense within 1 year: $750.00
Third offense within 1 year: Summons
Special Event Refuse Disposal (Sec. 7-155):
First offense within 1 year: $250.00
Second offense within 1 year: $500.00
Third offense within 1 year: Summons
Feeding of Wildlife (Sec. 7-157):
First offense within 1 year: $75.00
Second offense within 1 year: $250.00
Third offense within 1 year: Summons
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Outdoor Special Events dealing with Food, Trash or Compost
Wildlife Protection Plan
If you CHECK OFF any items below, you will need to read and fill out the Wildlife Plan:
▢ Food or Drink Vendors at your outdoor event
▢ Cooking food on site at your outdoor event
▢ Coolers with personal food or drink at your outdoor event
▢ Dried food (beans, power bars, gel/goo or candy) at your outdoor event
▢ Wrapped, bottled or canned food or drink left outside at your event
▢ Pet food, grain or birdseed at your outdoor event
▢ Decorations with food items at your outdoor event (lemons, seeds, beans, dried fruits)
▢ Composting at your outdoor event
▢ Collecting trash at your outdoor event
▢ Gray water collection or Beer water collection at your event
Return your Wildlife Plan to: Snowmass Village Animal Services
Box 5010
Snowmass Village, CO
[email protected]
970-923-5867 (Fax)
Wildlife laws pertaining to outdoor special events. Citations can be issued. TOSV Animal Services will review your Wildlife Plan and reserves the right to make changes to ensure you are complying with our wildlife laws and protecting wildlife from all sources of human food, compost & garbage. Creative solutions to protect wildlife from human food sources will be considered.
TOSV Solid Waste
[email protected]
Dave Ogren
1 – Bear Proof Trash & Compost Containers
2 – Removal of solid waste to landfill
Pitkin County Environmental Health
[email protected]
Environmental Health & Food Vendor Application & Approval.
TOSV Police Department
[email protected]
Town of Snowmass Village – Special Events – Wildlife Protection Plan
Special Event Wildlife Recommendations
Snowmass Village is surrounded by wilderness. Wildlife species such as black bear, red fox, raccoon and coyote are abundant. It is necessary to protect all animals from human food, compost and garbage. Your help is critical if we are to successfully co-exist with wildlife in Snowmass Village. If bears are able to access food at an EVENT, they can become bolder and more persistent in obtaining human food. This encourages property damage and dooms the bear to euthanasia. Relocation of wildlife is not a viable option; the solution lies in education. The feeding of wildlife is against the law. As a food or drink vendor at any Snowmass Village event, the following information will help you to comply with wildlife laws, when handling food products in the out-of-doors.
Equipment that will help you
▢ Chains and locks to go around your refrigerator or freezer (not straps, a bear can rip through a strap)
▢ Bleach to spray on grills, equipment and the ground
▢ Refrigerated trucks or Box Trucks
▢ Dolly to haul food items each night
▢ Fully enclosed metal box that LOCKS (such as a “JOBOX”) for dry food items
What CAN be left overnight in a Vendor Tent:
▢ Refrigerator and freezer with chain and lock
▢ Fully enclosed metal box that LOCKS! (such as a construction “JOBOX”)
▢ Water
▢ Paper products
▢ Kitchen appliances that are cleaned with bleach
▢ Tables
What CANNOT be left overnight in a Vendor Tent:
▢ Unopened soda/alcohol cans or bottles
▢ Food product left unsecured (including canned or dried food such as beans)
▢ Refuse
▢ Oil and grease (in any form, including grease pans in portable stoves or grease left in fryers)
▢ Products with food scent (for example: body lotion with almond scent, buckets of beer water or gray water)
Snowmass Village Wildlife Laws
Section 7-157: FEEDING of WILDLIFE ($ 75, $250, Summons to Court)
No person shall knowingly leave or store any refuse, food product, pet food, grain or salt in a manner, which would constitute a lure, attraction or enticement of wildlife.
Section 7-155: SPECIAL EVENT REFUSE DISPOSAL ($250, $500, Summons to Court)
Outdoor special event sites shall be kept free from the accumulation of refuse edible by wildlife. Refuse must be collected from the grounds at the close of each day’s activities and shall be deposited in wildlife resistant containers* or enclosures, or be removed to an appropriate disposal site.
* Wildlife Resistant containers are fully enclosed metal containers with locks.
Tickets can be issued for these violations.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact Snowmass Village Animal Services: 970-923-5330.