Our Mission

Our mission is protecting lives of black bears by working on proactive measures to prevent and reduce negative human-bear conflicts.

We are constantly working on innovative methods and solutions to get the public more engaged to peacefully coexist with our beautiful black bears.

Since we have the privilege to live in prime black bear habitat, it is up to us to fundamentally change our behavior towards bears and how to keep them from coming into the city.

By working alongside with CPW on “Bear-Aware” programs, connecting community and partnering with cities, towns, municipalities are of key importance.

We are giving out educational bear care kits with Bear Aware and Bearwise® materials such as door hangers, big stickers for trash cans and offer retrofitting kits for making existing trash cans bear resistant, with the exclusive collaboration of BSA Aspen Troop 201. One of the boy scouts Nate Thomas made it his Eagle Scouts project in 2019 and 2020 crafting straps and retrofitting them on trash cans.

To date we have retro-fitted hundreds of cans into bear resistant ones for communities in mobile homes and residences in the Roaring Fork Valley.

We always encourage people to buy a bear resistant can (BRC), which we are able to provide with the help and support of our generous donors, community and fundraiser events. Our immediate goal is to raise funds to buy bear resistant trash cans for everyone who needs it.

Our focus is changing people’s behavior in order to help keep bears and wildlife wild and people save.