Get Involved

Want to help our Valley Bears?
There are multiple ways you can get involved!
Here are just a few:

By donating you can help cover the costs for bear straps, door hangers, informational posters for neighborhoods with recurrent bear issues, whistles for hikers, and educational materials from BearWise to give away locally. We work to stay updated on the latest relevant bear science and deterrent success stories in order to help the Roaring Fork Valley do it’s very best for keeping our bears wild and safe. Therefore donations also cover not only general advocacy professional costs such as advertising, but attendance at human/bear conflict conferences like the International Human-Bear Conflicts Workshop, and memberships into national and international bear associations such as
neighbearhood partner

By becoming a NeighBEARhood Partner you can help save the bears simply by arming your neighbors with our easy to read door hangers. These door hangers give a brief overview on what to do to keep humans and bears safe by merely changing a few of our own human behaviors. They’re available in English and Spanish. Simply CLICK HERE to request them! Be sure to take the Colorado Parks & Wildlife NeighBEARhood Partner pledge.
If you are a business or philanthropist that would like to make an impact in protecting the beautiful bears of the Roaring Fork Valley, please contact us. Naturally, we will be very happy to discuss ways you can help the bears, from hosting a strap party at your establishment to pledging matching donation funds.
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Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and share our posts with your friends and neighbors. Also remember to join our mailing list too.